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Media Reports

This section exposes JUNK Media and JUNK Medicine. If you are an NHS health care professional we apologise for any offence caused.

The following opinion was published by the highly respected voice of reason, Agora Health, an independent newsletter that uncovers the uncomfortable truth that is being hidden from the British Public.

In February 2014, NICE, the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (we say their name is a breach of the trades description act) updated their guidelines to doctors in the UK for prescribing STATINS ... It turns out that they're not prescribing nearly enough of them (currently 8 million patients and counting). That's why they want to lower the threshold and medicate millions more of us who only have a 10% risk of suffering a heart attack during the next 10 years (current threshold is 20%). That's to say, mainly healthy people who have nothing much wrong with them whatsoever! Do you really believe that anyone can predict with any certainty the risk of anything happening to you over the next 10 years?

Sadly, the UK Government takes its advice from deluded 'arm-chair experts' (see Prof Sir Rory Collins below). They're calling it prevention - but the data shows that about 75 people would need to be treated for a decade to prevent one heart attack or stroke. And that is pure speculation, in other words crystal ball gazing! The chances of benefiting over a decade of treatment are only 1 in 75. Hardly a great return for the obscene amount of money this controversial drug would generate for Big Pharma, and all funded by the British Tax Payer!

But let's not forget that the chances of significant side effects from statins, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Liver damage or
  • Kidney damage

... are about 20 per cent, or 1 in 5.

Fact: Your doctor prescribes drugs (maybe to you?) that are manufactured by a UK pharmaceutical company that has admitted to CRIMINAL FRAUD ... how do you feel about that? Don't believe it? Then read this BBC News Report:   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18673220

Side effects: Your Doctor has probably been pursuaded by their local drug rep. to down-play the side effects of Statins - well they don't want patients to know do they??!! It doesn't take a genius to work out that the chances of you benefiting from statins are dwarfed by the chances of you coming to grief. But, it's not just statins that they're trying to force down your neck in the name of prevention. They've got a pill or a vaccination to prevent almost everything.

Prevention has become Big Pharma's latest sales ploy. But that's because they've failed to produce a drug that actually cures anything in the last 50 years. They've run into a dead end. Run out of ideas. And that is in spite of the millions of pounds donated by the British Public each year to Cancer charities and other organisations that are helping to fund Big Pharma. You want a disease managing? No problem! You want a disease curing? No chance!

Tip: Don't question the doctor about your diagnosis or why they are prescribing a specific form of treatment because they may tell you to find another doctor! Did you know that 'awkward' patients are tagged with a secret code that stays on file to warn other medics that you are a potential trouble-maker? If you ask your doctor to give you this code, they will almost certainly deny it exists. And remember, doctors often have inflated egos and they don't like the idea that a patient might know more than they do!

Fact: Prescription drugs are the fourth highest cause of premature death in the UK. In America, drugs are the third highest cause of premature death. But don't worry, the UK are catching up fast!

Fact: Two-thirds of ALL deaths in the UK occur in NHS Hospitals. Best advice might be; stay at home if you are sick and have the doctor treat you there!

Fact: There is NO such thing as 'Bad Cholesterol'. The Daily Mail and Daily Express continue to claim that 'bad cholesterol' really exists ... it's simply a cheap ploy to scare its readers and sell more papers. This highly mis-leading claim was invented by the pharmaceutical industry to make more money. Did you know that every cell in the human body contains cholesterol - that's what Nature intended, and without cholesterol you would be DEAD! Your Brain contains more cholesterol than any other organ in your body... your Doctor is unlikely to know that because they don't get taught the truth at Medical School. Before you swallow another Statin drug or buy another cholesterol lowering low-fat fake butter spread or yoghurt, stop and think; then trust your own common sense.


The following stories appeared on the 29th August 2012 in the Daily Mail. They were probably short of news-worthy content at the time, and printing sensationalist front page headlines could be viewed as a cynical attempt to sell more papers - even though these 'revelations' have been touted by so called 'experts' for some time now. Primal Food Store has responded in an attempt to provide a more balanced view...

Daily Mail: 29th August 2012


'All over-50s should take statins regardless of their health history': Professor says starting treatment early dramatically cuts risk of heart attacks and strokes...



Professor Collins: 'On    The Payroll Of The Drug Companies'. Can he really be trusted to offer the Public independent and credible advice?  

...Currently statins are given only to high-risk patients, around eight million people, who have high cholesterol or have a risk of heart disease. But there is 'clear evidence' that healthy people can also benefit based on their age alone, says Professor Sir Rory Collins. He goes on to say; 'and whether you should be taking them at an earlier age is an open question'.


Primal Food Store says: Considering that statins didn't even exist until the mid-1980's, it is very disturbing to learn that in the UK there are now over 8 million people taking statins (and counting) because they are considered to be 'at risk' of suffering a heart attack! In theory, we could all suffer a heart attack at any moment, and of course there is a 'risk' of being run over whenever we cross the road - so does that mean we should only cross the road if we are being escorted by a lollypop person? Now follow the logic... why not ban all motor vehicles from using the public highway, then road accidents and fatalities would fall to virtually zero. Concerned about your health?... in the real world, risk-reduction factors don't always make sense. And remember... many of these so called experts - including Professor Sir Rory Collins - are not independent commentators, they receive obscene amounts of money from the pharmaceutical companies and charities for promoting this garbage!

Your Doctor may forget to mention (if you are interested in a prescription), that statins deliberately interfere with the workings of the human body by suppressing the natural production of cholesterol in your liver. This can cause a number of unfortunate consequences too numerous to mention here. In fact the human brain contains more cholesterol than any other organ in the body, so would it also be a good idea to limit the amount of cholesterol going to the brain? Ask your Doctor this question and let us know what they say! Finally, there is no such thing as 'good' or 'bad' cholesterol... this outrageous and highly misleading propaganda is constantly being churned out by mainstream medicine and the media. There is only one kind of cholesterol, and guess what it's called - yes - it's cholesterol! Unfortunately, 'Big Pharma' invented the phrase 'Bad-Cholesterol', which in reality is a combination of normal cholesterol and LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins). LDL is a carrier that transports the cholesterol made by your liver, through the arteries and veins to where cholesterol is needed - the cells of your body. However, if the very small sized molecules that make up LDL become oxidised (often due to a poor diet and lifestyle), then inflamation occurs over a period of time within the arterial tree which may result in the build-up of plaque, causing arteries to become narrow (occluded). Rather than block the flow of cholesterol, why not address the root cause of the problem by reducing the oxidation and inflamation? Think about it - if cholesterol really could 'fur up' or clog our arteries, then no one would live very long and the human race would have died out long ago!...

This is just a brief summary of a very complex biochemical process going on throughout your body at any moment in time. To interfere with this process by administering a toxic drug such as a statin is not only unpredictable but extremely irresponsible to say the least. Patient beware!

CAUTION: The above comment is not to be construed as medical advice. You may wish to consider seeking independent professional opinion from more than one source before changing your diet, or agreeing to any medical treatment or procedure.


Daily Mail: 29th August 2012

Six cups of coffee a day could cut the risk of bowel cancer by 40 per cent: 'Those who drank four cups of coffee a day saw their risk of a tumour drop by about 15 per cent. Tea lovers did not see any reduction in risk'...

Primal Food Store says: We can imagine some Daily Mail readers saying to themselves, "right then, no more tea for me, and if I can reduce my chances of getting cancer by 40% with 6 cups of coffee, then I'll drink 12 cups a day and reduce my risk by 80% - fantastic"! And don't forget to drink lots of red wine (contains anti-oxidants) and magically you could become almost indestructable!

CAUTION: The above comment is not to be construed as medical advice. You may wish to consider seeking independent professional opinion from more than one source before changing your diet, or agreeing to any medical treatment or procedure.


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