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Does Anyone Care?

The UK Prime Minister David Cameron said this recently: "It is disturbing that while 10% of children are obese when they begin primary school, the figure rises to 20% by the time they leave". He went on to say that obesity was an enormous health challenge for the country with a vast cost to the NHS.

Yes we know that Prime Minister, so what does Primal Food Store have to say? ...

During the last fifty years or so the average British diet has been transformed out of all recognition and no longer provides anywhere near the optimum levels of balanced goodness that our ancestors enjoyed. The latest statistics from Diabetes UK - watch video here:


confirm that we are approaching 4,000,000 (yes four million!) sufferers of Diabetes - a terrible burden on the patients, their families and the tax paying public.

In today's society, many people - children as well as adults - choose to avoid a nutritious breakfast (coco-pops and similar processed cereals do NOT provide any real goodness) and then try to 'catch up' later in the day by consuming so called energy drinks, milk shakes, potato crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits, cakes and sandwiches made from highly refined white flour that all increase the risk of Diabetes and other serious long-term health problems.

So who is to blame? We say NOT the food manufacturers - they are in business to make big profits out of their customers - and what they do is not illegal! Not the GP's, they went to medical school to learn how to test your blood pressure, diagnose any illness and if they think necessary, prescribe some drug or medical treatment - all within a 15 minute time frame! Because so little importance is given to the vital subject of sickness prevention at medical school, most family practitioners know almost nothing about the subject and care even less, so don't expect them to have the time or inclination to get involved in your daily eating and lifestyle habits!

For the first time in human history, just about anyone can access the world's biggest knowledge base via a smart phone or computer (every Library has them available for Public use) and educate themselves on what they should and should not include in their regular diet. There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to be unaware of what their body needs at the cellular level.

As a Nation, we are grossly over-fed and seriously under-nourished. Yet there is an abundance of highly nutritious and affordable food available all year round for those that are concerned about preserving their most precious asset. TV adverts promote smiling happy families sitting around the dinner table tucking in to a giant 'basket' of deep fried chicken, burgers, chips or pizza.... "well they look healthy so I think I'll follow their example" you might say...

So there you have it, a society that seems to be hell bent on destroying itself. Sadly, nothing is likely to change in the short term. Change will only come about when society as a whole condemns 'junk-food junkies' as social outcasts. We all pay for other peoples unhealthy life-styles through our taxes. So welcome to the age of ignorance, apathy and our obsession with 'taste-bud entertainment' ... that is the real problem afflicting our society, but does anyone really care enough to make change happen?